En Dos Continentes | 11/01/24 | Combate individual: Ron DeSantis vs. Nikki Haley

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El 15 de enero, comienzan las Elecciones Primarias del Partido Republicano de los Estados Unidos; y el tiempo se acaba. Donald Trump marcha imparable en las encuestas; y no parece haber nadie que consiga igualarle. La batalla, sin embargo, se centra en el segundo puesto. Ron DeSantis y Nikki Haley afrontan el quinto Debate Republicano como los dos únicos contendientes en pie; las dos últimas alternativas para derrotar eventualmente a Donald Trump; pero… ¿Lo conseguirán?

On January 15th, the Primary Elections of the Republican Party of the United States begin, and time is running out. Donald Trump is marching on the polls; and it doesn’t seem like there is someone who can match him up. The battle, however, is focused on the second position. Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley are facing the Fifth Republican Debate as the only two contenders standing; the only two alternatives in order to eventually defeat Donald Trump but… Can they make it?

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