No hubo milagro para Nikki Haley. Al igual que en Iowa, Donald Trump ha vuelto a ganar las elecciones primarias de New Hampshire. Lo hace, además, consiguiendo varios récords. Entre ellos, el de convertirse en el primer candidato en ganar sus dos primeros compromisos electorales en unas elecciones primarias. Por su parte, Nikki Haley se niega a rendirse. Y todo, ante el temor de una revancha contra Biden en el que la batalla no tiene por qué ser legal.
There were no miracles for Nikki Haley. Just like Iowa, Donald Trump has win the Primary Elections in New Hampshire. He has achieved so by getting some additional records. Between those, there is the one of becoming the first candidate ever to win both first primary elections. On the other hand, Nikki Haley refuses to give up. And all of this is happening while fear of a potential rematch against Biden emerges. A rematch where not every battle has to be legal.