Johnson, abucheado en Columbia; los envíos secretos de EE.UU y la pausa de Biden | En Dos Continentes | 25/04/24

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En plena revuelta universitaria ante la guerra en Gaza y las posteriores manifestaciones antisemitas, Mike Johnson ha viajado hasta Columbia para tratar de apaciguar la situación. El ambiente que le esperaba, sin embargo, no era el anticipado. Por otro lado, Estados Unidos habría enviado misiles de largo alcance a Ucrania antes incluso de que las ayudas se hubieran aprobado. Todo, mientras Biden medita una pausa; a la que se enfrenta judicialmente Donald Trump… pero sin tranquilidad de por medio.
Amongst the revolt on colleges against the war in Gaza and the following protests antisemitic, Mike Johnson has traveled to Columbia to fix the problems around it. Then again, the expectation that was awaiting him was not the one he would have guessed. On the other hand, the United States had sent long range missiles to Ukraine even before the aid package was passed on the Congress. All of this, while Joe Biden is focused on a pause… that Donald Trump had (judicially speaking) … but that did not make him comfortable.

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