«McCarthy vs Gaetz: Continúa la guerra civil Republicana»

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“Voy a presentar una moción para destituir a Kevin McCarthy”. Con esas palabras, Matt Gaetz anunció que haría lo posible para que el portavoz republicano de la Cámara de los Representantes dejase ese cargo. Tan solo un par de días después, Gaetz ha logrado su objetivo. Sin embargo, la guerra civil republicana está lejos de terminar. McCarthy no se olvida de lo que ha ocurrido; y Gaetz, por su parte, tampoco está dispuesto a callarse.

“I’m going to file a motion to oust Kevin McCarthy”. With those words, Matt Gaetz announced he would do whatever it takes in order to get that the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives leave that position. Only a few days after, Gaetz achieved his goal. However, the republican civil war seems far from over. McCarthy doesn’t forget what has happened while Gaetz, on the other hand, is not willing to shut up.

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