Zelenski elabora dos estrategias para conseguir dinero para Ucrania

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La visita a Washington de Volodomyr Zelenski era de una importancia crucial. Los fondos de Estados Unidos destinados a Ucrania se van a agotar según comience 2024. Así que Zelenski tenía la misión de convencer a los Republicanos del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de que la causa merece la pena. Para ello, tiene una serie de estrategias disponibles. Sin embargo… No todas parecen haber funcionado.
The visit of Volodomyr Zelensky to Washington had a crucial importance. The money that the United States had destined to Ukraine is about to reach its end as soon as we kickoff 2024. So Zelensky had the mission of convincing the Republicans in the Congress of the United States that this topic is worth fighting for. In order to do that, he has some strategies in his pocket. However… Not all of them seemed to have worked out.

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