Erdogan acusa a Netanyahu de cometer crímenes de guerra

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Israel está librando dos guerras: El conflicto militar con Hamás y la contienda ideológica contra todos aquellos que piensan que Hamás o Palestina son los buenos de la película. Mientras Europa se divide; e incluso Estados Unidos hace lo propio, Recep Tayyip Erdogan tiene una postura clara: Israel ha cometido crímenes de guerra; y el responsable es Benjamin Netanyahu. Pero, ¿ha sido así? ¿Qué ha respondido el Presidente de Israel ante las acusaciones de su homólogo turco?

Israel is fighting two wars: The military conflict with Hamas; and the ideological fight against all of those who think that either Hamas or Palestine are the good guys of this story. While Europe is dividing itself; and even the United States are doing so, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has a clear view: Israel has commited war crimes; and the responsible of this is Benjamin Netanyahu. But, has it been so? What is the answer that the President of Israel has given to his turkish’s counterpart?

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