Guerra republicana: Gaetz y McCarthy colisionan por Ucrania

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Los presupuestos estadounidenses se han aprobado sin que se haya determinado una cantidad de dinero dedicado a Ucrania. Un movimiento que parece haber sorprendido. Sin embargo, Kevin McCarthy podría haber estado jugando a dos bandas: Convenciendo a los republicanos de que no se aprobaría ninguna resolución al respecto, pero negociando con los demócratas por detrás. Un movimiento que ha enfurecido a un Matt Gaetz que ha comenzado toda una guerra civil contra McCarthy.

The american budget passed by the House has been so without a quantity of that money destined to Ukraine. A move that seem to shocked them all. However, Kevin McCarthy could have been playing two sides: On the one head, he tried to persuade republicans and convincing them that there would be no spending related to Ukraine but, on the other hand, he could have negotiated with democrats otherwise. A move that has infuriated Matt Gaetz. And that’s why the congressman has started a civil war against McCarthy.

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