Un héroe en el infierno: La historia de Islam Khalikov

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Parece difícil que en un atentado donde se han perdido más de cien vidas, se encuentre algo alentador. Sin embargo, hay un chaval que lo ha hecho posible. Islam Khalikov es un chico de 15 años, se erigió como un héroe, al evacuar a todas las víctimas del atentado que se encontraban atrapadas. Un chico que negaba el calificativo de héroe y aseguraba que ese era su deber.

It seems difficult to think that something encouraging can come out from a terrorist attack where more than a hundred of lives were lost. However, there is a kid who made that possible. Islam Khalikov is a 15-year-old who became a hero after evacuating the victims who were trapped on these attacks. A kid who refused to be called “hero” but who assured that this was his job.

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