El asunto está serio entre Israel y Palestina. ¿Cuánto de serio? Bueno, digamos que lo suficiente como para que Joe Biden haya decidido tomar cartas en el asunto: El Presidente de los Estados Unidos ha anunciado que viajará a Israel este miércoles. Lo hace, teniendo que cumplir varias misiones por el camino: Algunas, anunciadas; otras, escondidas en los subtextos de sus declaraciones. Y todo, mientras Irán ha lanzado un serio aviso a Israel; y China… avanza en el camino hacia sus propios intereses.
Situation is serious between Israel and Palestine. How serious, you wonder? Well, let’s say that it’s serious enough as the President of the United States has decided to do something about it: Joe Biden will travel to Israel this Wednesday. He’s going to do so with the objective of accomplishing several missions: Some of them were announced; some of them are hidden in the speeches that he gives himself. All of this is happening while Iran has send a serious warning to Israel; and China… is moving on the path leading to its own interests.