El titular estaba más que claro: “Donald Trump amenaza con un baño de sangre en Estados Unidos si no gana las elecciones”. Era la información que habíamos recibido todos a nivel internacional. ¿Problema? Que esas declaraciones no ponen en contexto a lo que se refería el expresidente de los Estados Unidos. Unas declaraciones que pasan de un estado de guerra civil… a un problema con China; México y la industria del automóvil.
This was the headline: “Donald Trump threatens with a bloodbath on the United States if he doesn’t win the elections”. This was the information that we all got in an international level. There was a problem, though. Problem was that this affirmation by Donald Trump were not put on the context of what the President of the United States really said. An affirmation that goes from a Civil War situation… to a problem with China, Mexico; and the cars industry.